Thursday, January 13, 2011

Assignment #9: Due January 14th, 2011

Goodness it's been a long time since I last posted!

For this assignment, we were told to do a little research on some organizations that take donations or provide ethical gifts for developing third world countries. The organizations that were provided by Ms. Crosbie were...


Salvation Army

World Vision

Plan Canada

As asked I did a little research on each.

Oxfam: Oxfam Canada has offices across the country as well as 14 agencies that work together over 99 countries, and works with over 100 partner organizations determined to do all they can for developing countries everywhere. Oxfam provides 36 ethical gift options on their website, their cheapest being $12.00 for 3 bags of seeds and their most expensive being $1300.00 for Disaster Preparedness (supplies).

The Salvation Army: The Salvation Army is an international Christian Church Organization dedicated to meeting the needs of humanity under the motivation of god. As you probably already know The Salvation Army raises money or collects in many different ways. All together an amazing organization. They do only have a limited amount of ethical gifts (10) their cheapest being $10.00 for a gift of Miscellaneous things, and their most expensive being $200.00 for Adult Literacy.

World Vision: World Vision is dead set on helping the well being of people across the globe. No matter what gender, race, religion, or ethnicity, they're willing to help. They plan on fixing poverty in three ways, Transformational Development, Disaster Management and Response, and Advocacy and Public Engagement. They provide 99 ethical gift options, their cheapest being $25.00 for School supplies for a child, and $25.00 for a Canadian Assistance Fund. Their highest priced item is $16 250.00 for Nutrition and Health Care for 2500 young children in Zambia, and $16 250.00 for Nutrition and Health Care for 2500 children in Ghana. All together great items for great causes.

Plan Canada: Plan Canada wishes to help children realize their full potential in life, and to live in society's that respect peoples rights and dignity's. Every year they effect the lives of 3.5 million people with programs through 66 different countries! Plan Canada displays a total of 42 ethical gift options, their cheapest item being $10.00 for Wrap a Newborn Baby (blanket), and their most expensive item being $25 000.00 for Complete Community Water Solution.


If I Had $100.00

As part of the assignment we were to pretend like we had $100.00 to spend on Ethical Gifts for third world countries. In total, I bought five different things. I decided to buy three things from Plan Canada and one thing from Salvation Army and Oxfam. I chose these organizations because their meanings are true and their prices are reasonable. I chose to purchase a Baby Blanket for $10.00, a Birth Certificate for $25.00, and 3 Baby Chicks for $15.00 from Plan Canada. From Salvation Army I bought Water for a Family for the price of $30.00, and 3 Bags of Seeds from Oxfam for only $12.00. I chose to buy the Baby Blanket because many babies do get cold and warmth is necessary for survival, I chose the Birth Certificate because it gives a child the gift of human rights as well as an open future. I bought the 3 Baby Chicks to send over, because it gives a family income as well as a source of food in hard times. It was important to me that I buy Water for a Family because water it the most important necessity to all living things, and sadly some people are have to work so, so hard for it. Lastly I chose to buy 3 Bags of Seeds because, those seeds will some day grow into a huge plant/tree that a whole village might have to depend on. And to me that`s important. In total I spent $92.00 of my original $100.00. If I actually had $100.00, I believe that this contribution would mean a lot even though it seems so little.
